Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I've moved

sadly I am leaving this place, though I am not taking it down, and moving to tumblr.com.. see me continue my politically incorrect and insulting antics on http://neilisthekingoftheworld.tumblr.com/ see yah!!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Electoral Deathmatch: How we Should Redesign our Electoral Process

Now that's how you should settle an argument!!

We all know that the Philippine Government is the biggest failure second only to Manny Paquiao's singing career. It is one giant heap of every wrong thing that should not be done with regards to running a modern country. If our government goes back to school, I'd say it would flunk the first grade trying to match the names of the shapes.

Well, I think I should be thankful that compared to other governments of the world, our president does not shoot people on sight (though I do believe that she shoots them when we are all not looking). Compared to her contemporaries who erected statues of themselves everywhere just like statues of Ronald McDonald,one who started a war thinking he was playing cowboys and Indians and another one who believes that Israel should be eradicated, she does fair a little better. When you analyze our world, it has funnier and crazier characters than Sesame street. It is like all the IQ in this world went to Bill Gates and rest are acting like retarded monkeys playing a game of Sim City (No offense to retarded monkeys).

Come to think of it, aside from being totally incompetent, unable to control the greed of her first family and her cronies, and spending the country's budget as if it was her own credit card, her only flaw is being a part of the Lord of the Rings. She is just this lone hobbit trying to return the ring but in the process gets tempted to keep it all to herself.

So my proposal to end this incompetence in our government is to create an electoral process that brings out the competitive, enduring and thick-skinned individuals and allows them to get selected for office. I'm talking about a good old death match that determines who our leaders would be. Isn't this idea great? Come on, instead of politicians singing, acting and dancing like people with cerebral palsy (again no offense to those suffering with cerebral palsy, I know being compared to politicians is very insulting) we can see them beat the hell out of each other until only one remains. I'm talking about blood, guts and violence that beats UFC!

They would be put in a cage surrounded with barbed wires, weapons and set on fire. No holds barred and no rules, just kill or be killed. My, I'm freaking sure that there would be 100% voters turnout as Filipinos would stop all that they are doing and cheer for their hometown hero, just like we do for Manny Pacquiao. Wouldn't it be fun to see one presidentiable dismember another using an ax? Of course there would be alliances and betrayals but in the end there should only be one left standing.

What I'm trying to say here is that this is a process designed to see how bad people really want to serve our countrymen. Would they be willing to die for us common folk and kill in order to lead us? This is the leader we seek, not some lame-assed politician who couldn't even make his own decisions and relies on half-assed projects that further disrupt the lives of Filipinos. We long for a leader who is willing to get his or her hands dirty just to finish the job. I'm sure our own president wouldn't even take a bullet for anyone that calls himself a Filipino. My God, she can't even apologize properly for every mistake she has done. So if it's a death match that is needed to filter out all the rotten ones then this is what should be done. We should start arming these thugs and placing them in cages to take each other out.

If this sick plan of mine fails, at least there is something to look forward to every election day that beats having to stand in line the whole day to vote and finding out that your ballot was just another of the million used to cheat a new official into office. I'd rather vote for American Idol!

Funny Image of the Week

This makes me reconsider my jiu-jitsu hobby..